I was told that I was meeting with Wal-Mart executives to chat about forming a relationship with our school district. After sweating through the opening remarks from the various people there opening the Super Wal-Mart including our state representative and a youth pastor, we were awarded (unbeknownst(sp?) to us) our gift cards!
Our principal was super sweet in rewarding our hard work. I jokingly said I would buy cookies for my room, but in actuality, our school needs lots of things like notebooks, glue, pencils, paper, etc. We even have a need for children underwear and socks which always breaks my heart. I am sure that the $100 will go quickly. I just hope that whatever it is that I spend it on serves as many kids as possible.
Boy, was I glad I wore a washable dress... I almost wore something that needed to be dry cleaned... CLOSE call. Now I just have to wait for the excitement of Wal-Mart opening to die down so that I can actually go into the store!
You look so beautiful! And that's wonderful about the gift cards!
well, congrats on the FREE MONEY!!
You are so right....too many in need...the $$$ will be gone before you know it. I just spent $60.00 to find visors for my 2nd grade bears...well I mean children who need costumes to become a bear for a holiday program. In the long run..worth every penny for my beary special bears! I just wish their parents knew how much we give in $$ and time and love and effort. Thanks Molly for giving all of the above.
Toot that horn! Congratulations to you and to Flour Bluff.
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