So I went to the wading pool today with my good friends Beth, Carter, Whitney, and Kylie. The fabulous five of us ate our little lunch and then put our feet in the little pool. It was such a blessing since it has been hotter than hell here, and there hasn't been much of a breeze. Pretty much being inside is like sitting in a sauna all day. Good for cleaning out your pores, but hard to sit in all day. There is no AC in Washington, so a day at the pool was much needed. Now, I know that I was the "one not like the other: by not having a kid, but I love my friends kids. I love getting to hang out with these wee people. BUT I have decided that I do not like other people's children. Other people's children take toys, spray you and are just generally rude. Have manners been lost on these people?
It pretty much can be summed up by this episode. Beth goes to retrieve the dive rings with Carter, so that we can clean up and leave. Now she has to go retrieve these because other kids have taken them without asking. (Beth does not have ruffled feathers about this, just me who does not have a kid). While doing this, a girl who has a super soaker like gun is standing about 2 feet away. This little girl has just been told by her grandmother that it is time to leave. The little girl looks at her grandmother and says, "Just a minute!" Then the little girl pumps her water gun, aims at Beth (who is in her workout clothing, not bathing suit), and shoots her square in the chest. I proceed to yell, "HEY YOU! YOU DON'T KNOW HER!!!" This little girl is unphased. She is so lucky that I did not pull a Momma Buchanan and grab her up by the arm and drag her out of that pool all the while telling her that she is disrespectful, rude, and will fail at life for being 7 and such a terrible child. She is SO lucky that she doesn't know me because woooooweee would she have gotten a verbal wooping. The grandmother did absolutely nothing. She did not even apologize to Beth or make the kid apologize to Beth. How RUDE!
So the observations from today can lead to this conclusion: Other children should be aware of Molly Vaughn who will discipline you within an inch of your life if you do not behave well. And then I will discipline your parents for their ineptness at being parents.
Disclaimer: I know that I should not judge parents since I am not one; however, nobody messes with my friends. I don't care if you are 7 or 70. I might be small, but I am full of sass. Don't mess.
the end. :)
Disclaimer #2: I have written this as a crabby hot lady who just had sweat roll down her legs as she sat in her house. ew.
I’m Honored.
1 year ago