two people, one dog, and one baby figuring out life in Hawaii

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mother's Day!

A little late... 

 I feel like I have been celebrating (and thanking) my mother since I gave birth. I have said thank you MANY MANY times and so genuinely mean it. 

Thank you for having me. Thank you for mothering for me. Thank you for sacrificing for me. Thank you for making me feel normal about being a mother and all of my many emotions. Thank you for listening to me and my babbling brook self for almost 29 years. Thank you for loving my babies (daisy included) and giving them all of you whenever you are around. We are all so blessed to call you mom/grandmother. We all would not be here if it weren't for you! (Sorry also for taking away your sleep, making you return your new wardrobe when you found out you were pregnant, and I am sure many other things ...)

You are the best momma a girl could ask for!

We love you LOTS!

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