two people, one dog, and one baby figuring out life in Hawaii

Friday, April 18, 2014

15 Months!

Our little lady is 15 months old! 

She is 25 pounds and got her first upper respiratory infection. She got to be pumped up with some steroids and got a vaporizer in her room for her 15 month birthday. But the real celebration was that Annie's grandma and grandpa came to visit! (Kenny's mom and dad). Then we all traveled to Maui for a little family getaway!

Grandpa and Grandma arrived! 

Vaughns head to Maui!
Hit up the beach and the aquarium on Maui!

Annie has become a seasoned walker over the last couple of months and a booty dropper. She loves her music class and our free dance time. We have been working it out at stroller strides and playing at the park often before class.

We also went to the splash park with our play group buddies.

We have also transitioned to one nap which has given us lots of time to hang out in the morning with our buds and go for hikes with daddy!

We also have had the best time getting our molars! (Not) 

But we love our little Annie and her silly faces and sweet hugs. 

Love you Annie!